If you are organizing an event with Italian-, English- or Spanish-speaking attendees, simultaneous interpretation services can help everyone participate equally and express themselves fully in their native language. Even if some attendees speak English well, simultaneous translation removes the pressure and anxiety that they may miss important details.
What is simultaneous translation?
Simultaneous interpretation, also known as simultaneous translation, happens in real-time. During this time, the interpreter orally translates the speaker’s words into the audience’s language. They then translate the audience’s interventions into the speaker’s language. In this interpretation modality, the interpreter doesn’t wait for the speaker to finish their sentence. Instead, they begin translating after just a couple of seconds, speaking simultaneously with the original speech.
To give a practical example, the UN’s interpreters perform simultaneous interpretation from isolated booths with headphones. They translate in real-time from one language to another.
In what format is simultaneous translation carried out and what equipment is needed?
Simultaneous translation can take place online or in person. In-person simultaneous interpretation uses soundproof booths, interpreting consoles (microphone and transmitter headsets), and receiving headsets. All are connected by a technical system that must be operated by qualified personnel.
To cut costs and make it simpler, you can also use a bidule system with receiving and transmitting radios. In this situation, the interpreter wears the transmitting radios with a microphone. Event participants wear headphones connected to the receiving radios, tuned to the same channel as the interpreter. You can provide your own bidule or rent one from my trusted suppliers in Milan at a competitive price.
To minimize the costs of simultaneous interpretation and provide for larger audiences, you might consider using a downloadable app on the participants’ mobile phones or devices. Please contact me for a free quote and I will find the right solution for you!
As another alternative, I also provide Italian, English and Spanish remote simultaneous interpreting services on Zoom, Teams or similar online platforms. Built-in interpreting channels such as Zoom PRO allow you to create virtual interpreting booths and give participants the option to listen to the original audio (floor) or the translated version.
Is live simultaneous translation carried out by one person or does it require a pair of interpreters?
Depending on the duration of your event, you may need to hire one or two professional interpreters. If your event lasts one hour (60 minutes) or less, you can hire just one interpreter. If the event lasts longer than one hour (60 minutes), you’ll need to hire two professional interpreters to guarantee high-quality service at all times.
In fact, studies on the human brain show it is impossible for anyone to maintain full concentration for long periods. It is therefore necessary for simultaneous interpreters to rest roughly every 20-30 minutes. During these rest periods, their boothmate will take over.
But don’t think of this as absolute rest! When the interpreter is not translating, they are busy helping their colleague with more complex terminology, proper names and figures. They also continue to follow the speech so they can get right back to interpreting when they switch. They also need to monitor group chats (for remote events) and be ready to communicate with you at all times.
In which contexts can Italian, English and Spanish simultaneous interpretation services be useful?
Live simultaneous interpretation services are suitable for a variety of event types. These include conferences, lectures, masterclasses, conventions and congresses, workshops, festivals, debates, tours, etc. Live simultaneous interpretation is the perfect interpreting mode for events involving longer or shorter speeches by one or more speakers. However, if speeches or spoken interchanges are very short, or if you do not have the necessary equipment for simultaneous interpretation, then consecutive or liaison interpretation may be more appropriate for your event. If you are not sure which type is right for you, please contact me for a free quote and to discuss what type of interpreting suits you and your needs.
How much do your Italian, English and Spanish simultaneous interpretation services cost?
Don’t worry about costs! You’ll receive a personalized, no-obligation quote tailored to your event.
I don’t have a one-size-fits-all rate. My rates are based on the type of event you’re organizing, the language combination, the number of participants, which interpreting service you require, the location and time of your event, necessary equipment and more.
My rates are fully aligned with the Italian market, and I guarantee you excellent value for money.
How do I know if your simultaneous translation service is right for me?
My English, Italian, and Spanish simultaneous interpretation service is for you if:
- You’re organizing a conference, convention, congress, interview, workshop, trade show, business meeting, or other type of event. You want everyone to participate effortlessly as they speak and listen to speeches.
- Some, but not all, of your attendees understand English well. You want everyone to be able to participate equally in your event and don’t want to exclude anyone.
- Some event participants can communicate well in English and wish to deliver their presentation in English, but not all speakers are comfortable doing so. Opting for simultaneous interpretation allows all participants to express themselves fully in their native language.
- You know Spanish or Italian, or your counterparts have a decent level of English, but you have very specific goals and do not want to risk missing any of the details of what is being said.
- You do not have a good level of Italian and/or Spanish, and your counterparts don’t have a good command of English, and you want communication to go smoothly.
Are you the right simultaneous interpreter for my event?
You’re right to ask, there are many other competent, skilled interpreters offering Italian, English and Spanish simultaneous translation services! My professional services are the perfect choice for you because:
- I have 7+ years of experience as a simultaneous interpreter
- I have 30+ verified positive reviews from clients on LinkedIn, Google Maps, Facebook and in PDF format
- I have over 100 days of interpreting proved by my status of Qualified Member of A.N.I.T.I. (Italian National Association of Translators and Interpreters
- I have lent my voice to several internationally renowned personalities including Noam Chomsky, Steven Hayes and Daniel Everett
- I have undertaken two study and work experiences abroad (UK and Spain)
- I hold an MA from one of the best interpreting schools in Italy (Forlì/Bologna University)
- I leave nothing to chance and carefully prepare for each and every assignment
- I frequently attend courses and webinars to continue my education and keep up to date
- Not only am I professional, skilled and experienced, I’m helpful, flexible and empathetic.

Now it’s your turn to answer my questions! What type of event are you organizing? Why are you looking for Italian, English and Spanish simultaneous translation services? Do you need a simultaneous interpreter in Milan, remotely or at another location?
Let me know and ask me for a free, no-obligation quote by writing to or calling +39 3202663422.
I look forward to helping you increase your turnover and achieve your most ambitious goals!